Taco-Style Seasoning Mix

The smell of this taco-style seasoning mix instantly conjures up memories of childhood trips to Taco Bell, in the best possible way! Add this seasoning to mushrooms, cauliflower, onions, tamales, etc and you'll know what we mean. This recipe will make enough for a few uses but might make sense to make a double or triple batch if you believe you'll use this often. 


10g ground cumin
4g dried oregano (lightly crushed)
25g chili powder
3g ground cayenne
3g ground cinnamon


Measure all ingredients into a mixing bowl. Stir and mix well, transfer into an airtight container, and store in a cool, dark place. It will keep for about a year but best if used within a few months as spices will lose flavor over time. (Note: this seasoning mix does not contain any salt which allows you to control how much salt to add to your final product.) 

* We recommend using weights as a measurement for more consistent and precise results when following recipes.